Friday, November 4, 2011

The downfall of walking at the mall

It was very cold and rainy yesterday.  I decided I would get more walking accomplished at the mall. And maybe some early Christmas shopping done.  The trouble with walking at the mall is that it is like golfing:  lots of stops and starts.  Not what one would call moderate or strenuous exercise.

If I added up what I spent in addition to the time I walked at the mall, I wonder if it would add up to a gym membership...Not quite, but something to be aware of when doing my inside exercise.  Last summer, when I noticed the walking and spending trend I locked my purse in the trunk of my car.  That way, if I saw something I wanted (not needed), I would have to walk all the way back to my car, get my purse, pay for the item and return to my car.  Most days it just wasn't worth it!

But, today (even though it is November), it is not too cold or rainy to walk.  For that, I am thankful.

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